December Newsletter from Kerry Social Farming
Here is the December 2020 Newsletter from Kerry Social Farming. Click here to download the newsletter
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Here is the December 2020 Newsletter from Kerry Social Farming. Click here to download the newsletter
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Here is the November Newsletter from Kerry Social Farming. Click here to download the newsletter
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Here is the October Newsletter from Kerry Social Farming. Click here to download the newsletter
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Here is the August Newsletter from Kerry Social Farming. Click here to download the newsletter
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Kerry Social Farming featured as part of The Kerryman Summer Farming feature on July 1st 2020. Click the button below to download in full.
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Here is our July Newsletter , with plenty of news from social farmers from all over Kerry. We hope you enjoy it. Click the button below to download in full.
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Welcome to the second issue of Kerry Social Farming Newsletter. We hope that you’re all keeping safe and well. Our new way of life has been with us for a while now and we’re missing meeting up with family members, friends and taking part in our usual activities and events. Social Farming is on hold for now and we all miss spending time together.
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While Social Farming activity is on hold, we are keen to stay in touch. We have compiled a Newsletter with Kerry Social Farming news and information which we hope will be of interest. Click the button below to download. The Newsletter is also available on our social media accounts and we welcome feedback for our next issue.
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The big day took many months of preparation and planning. The collaborative strength of the Kerry Social Farming Working Group, host farmers, participants, families, the SKDP Rural Social Scheme staff, which epitomises Kerry Social Farming and Rural Vibrancy, came to the fore in getting ready for the event. A farm meitheal on Hazelfort Farm ensured the farm was prepared for the event. This meithael comprised of two of our host farmers Eamon Horgan and Ger O Sullivan, with their participants, who put great effort on the farm in order to ensure it was ready for the event and to help upgrade the farm in terms of health and safety and making the area suitable for the host farm walks. The SKDP RSS supervisors, participants and Tus participants also helped get the farm area ready. Concrete was laid in the farm yard, not just for the purposes of the launch but was also recommended following a farm safety audit, for ease of access and safety of farm participants. Likewise a sliding door replaced a swinging door for participant safety. The agency support staff and participants, also put great work in getting the registration area ready, and in setting up the host farm walk stations.
Busy morning on Hazelfort (George Kelly's) Farm preparing farmyard ground for concreting in preparation for the Kerry Social Evaluation Report Launch and also that participants can sure footedly carry out jobs on the farm: we had a meitheal gathering involving two other host farmers' Eamonn Horgan (Kilgarvan) and Ger O' Sullivan (Cahersiveen) along with Participant Earl Leahy who avails of Kerry Parents and Friends Service in Tigh an Oileain, Valentia Island and attends Ger's Farm on Mondays. The lads are busy helping out George, his two participants Amy and Martin (who avail of St John of Gods Services, Killarney) and support worker Dominic Kiely and Jer Horgan who works on the farm too. Support was also provided by South Kerry Development Partnership staff Paddy Casey and Donal Foley. Kerrys Eye reporter Sinead Kelliher was there too finding all about the project! Exciting morning, the cattle, ducks and collies were all mad keen to get in on the photo shoot as well!! The funding for this important Health & Safety farm upgrade is supported by Commission for the Economic Development of Rural Areas (CEDRA) funding from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine