The final FarmElder Conference took place in Brussels on 6th June 2024. SKDP and Kerry Social Farming was represented by Joseph McCrohan and Julie Brosnan. Mattyas Szabo, Policy Officer, Social Sustainability EU DG Agriculture delivered the keynote address. Dr. Eugene Kevin Foley-Friel Agriculture Attaché, Permanent Representation of Ireland to the European Union attend the event. Joseph McCrohan was part of the subsequent discussion panel ‘Social Farming: Aligning Research, Practice and Policy for Cultivating Change’ along with Elena Ambuhl (EU Affairs manager for Agroecology Europe Association) and Mattyas Szabo.
FarmElder is an Erasmus+ research project examining the benefits of social farming for the elderly. A series of videos have been created within the partners countries, Portugal, Slovenia, Ireland and Germany, showing older people involved in social farming. These are now available on www.farmelder.eu along with national case studies and reports. A free online training course is also being finalised. The Spring 2024 Newsletter is here
SKDP also hosted a National Social Farming event at the dairy farm of John and Catherine Fleming at Muckross, Killarney, on May 24th as part of FarmElder. Minister for Mental Health & Older People Mary Butler TD was guest speaker and Clare Gormley (Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine) also attended. Elaine Cleary TUS (Technological University of the Shannon) addressed the gathering, outlining the research and practical work of FarmElder, the development of training modules and the outputs from the project.
A number of agencies working with older people across Kerry were present providing information on the range of services and opportunities available for older people. Over 100 people attended, including representatives from all other social farming projects funded by DAFM, namely Rachel Budd (IRD Duhallow), Debbie Kelleher (Field of Dreams /Down Syndrome Cork) and Eadaoin O’Connell (West Limerick Resources/ Development Officer Social Farming Ireland).
SKDP had previously welcomed our European partners to Kerry during 10th -12th May 2023. On 10th May, following a project meeting in Kenmare, the group visited Breeda & Pat O’Sullivan’s sheep and suckler farm in Bridia Valley, Glencar, which was a Case Study in FarmElder. Breda O’Sullivan, supported by St John of God Services Killorglin, comes to the farm and helps with feeding cattle and sheep and at lambing time. Farmer Breeda was interviewed by FarmElder team and gave her insights into social farming and her enthusiasm for the project. Anni & Josef Hindelang, host farmers from Bavaria, shared their experiences of hosting groups of people with dementia and their carers on their farm since 2020.
The group visited Kenmare Community Garden, another Case Study, focusing on the part played by in its development by local resident Denise McClure. Manager of Taobh Linn Centre, Tanya O’Sullivan and Patricia Holbein (SKDP Board/ Kenmare Community Garden Committee member) explained how the site has progressed from vacant waste ground to what is now a haven of activity with a polytunnel, a large number of raised beds and recently planted native trees and fruit trees. Work is ongoing to develop the garden as a space for local school students to learn about nature and how to grow their own fruit and vegetables. This work is being done with the assistance of SKDP Rural Social Scheme members.