Teagasc Health and Safety for social farming participants
KSF linked with Teagasc through KSF Working Group member Claire McAuliffe (Teagasc Advisor, Listowel) to provide a pilot session of Health and Safety training for our social farming participants. Training took place on John & Catherine Fleming's dairy farm at Muckross on October 9th. Stephen Flattery (Teagasc training officer) and Claire took the lead in sharing advice on safety on the farm. The Teagasc training was adapted to a two-hour session, to avoid overloading participants. Training was hands on and discussion based to support concentration levels and promote active participation. Each participant had support alongside, either a KSF facilitator, host farmer or service provider support staff. Participants learned about staying safe around the tractor, the possible risks around a farmyard, including around slurry and agitation points, how to be safe around cows with newborn calves and using equipment for handling livestock i.e. crushes, calving gates. It is envisaged that this training will be rolled out to all social farming participants.